The service supports individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 to engage in a focused recovery program, that allows strength and character to shine. A place in the MQP program is an opportunity for all young people to engage in their own recovery.
MQP has the capacity to work with 8 young people at any time for a period of up to 15 months. Young People receive support from the multidisciplinary team to work intensively on their recovery, to build capacity and engagement, to focus on what is meaningful and to address any barriers that they may be facing. The service is designed to be a place of safety, of healing, of community and growth opportunity.
The MQP program is delivered within a residential home setting, using a trauma informed and culturally sensitive approach. The program involves 1:1 keywork sessions and appointments, alongside group work and contributions to daily household tasks.
The work is embedded in person driven practice principles, providing psychosocial support to enable personal recovery.
Momentum QP is delivered by Richmind WA in partnership with Anglicare WA, Cyrenian House and Royal Perth Bentley Group. The service is funded by the Mental Health Commission.