What is NDIS?
Your Plan, Your Support, Your Way
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for people living with disability to access services and support based on personal choice and individual needs. As an NDIS registered provider, Richmind WA provides services to improve their mental health and wellbeing and offers control, opportunity and choice in how your services are delivered and accessed.
Richmind WA’s NDIS services are tailored to connect you with your individual NDIS plan. Our services will enable you to participate in a life with purpose. Whether it is providing support to access your local health and wellbeing services, supporting you to develop personal life skills or engaging in community activities, Richmind WA’s NDIS services support you every step of the way.
We provide NDIS services across the Perth metro area. These are delivered by highly skilled and trained staff, with qualifications in Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Psychology and Community Services. We strive to provide inclusive services. We have been working with Elders Uncle Albert and Aunty Irene McNamara for a decade and Uncle Peter Wilkes and Aunty Sandra Wilkes for 5 years to improve how we work for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including growing our Aboriginal workforce. Richmind WA is also Rainbow Tick accredited and have staff from a range of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.