There are specific issues that can affect LGBTIQA+ Australians mental health and wellbeing. Experiences of discrimination, isolation and a lack of support are just a few of them. We acknowledge that there are barriers to accessing support for LGBTIQA+ people. At Richmond Wellbeing, we work hard to reduce those barriers.
LGBTIQA+ People Image


Richmind WA are proud to have been the first organisation in Western Australia to achieve Rainbow Tick accreditation in 2017 and have made a long-term commitment to LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice. We recognise that while most LGBTIQA+ Australians live healthy, happy lives, a disproportionate number experience higher rates of mental distress than their non-LGBTIQA+ peers. Richmind WA understands the importance of providing safe and inclusive services that meet the unique and individual needs of LGBTIQA+ people. Mental health challenges are more common than you might think, and it’s important to remember that people can and do recover.

Inclusion and belonging is at the heart of our work at Richmind WA and is one of our 5 organisational values.

An important part of recovery is building connections with people and community. We host an Inclusive Art Group once a month where you can get creative and make social connections in a safe space. Pridefest and the annual Pride Parade is a fun way to get involved in the LGBTIQA+ community, an event our Community and Outreach team members and clients have participated in for several years.

Get to know your mental health

There are specific issues that can affect LGBTIQA+ Australians mental health and wellbeing. Experiences of discrimination, isolation and a lack of support are just a few of them. We acknowledge that there are barriers to accessing support for LGBTIQA+ people. At Richmind WA, we work hard to reduce those barriers through initiatives such as staff training, promoting the use of pronouns and inclusive language, having LGBTIQA+ Team leads in each of our services and having an LGBTIQA+ committee and Strategic Plan.

Get to know your mental health

It’s never been more important to get to know your mental health. Recognising when something is wrong is an important part of caring for yourself and helps you take charge of your mental health and wellbeing. When something just seems off, or your thoughts, feelings or behaviours feel extra challenging, take action and ask for help. Acknowledging something isn’t right is the first step towards recovery. Whether you are facing challenges in daily life, relationships or issues directly related to your identity, you will be welcomed and treated with respect.

What do I do now? It’s easier than you think

Don’t be afraid to ask for support, no matter what it is you’re going through. At least 45% of us will experience mental ill health during our lives, so you are not alone.

Richmind WA offers a safe and inclusive environment where everyone is welcome as their authentic self to work towards their personal recovery goals and to create the life they envision.

The biggest moment in my coming out was telling a real-life person for the first time. Their reaction would determine if I told anyone else. I trusted the LGBTQI+ lead, and she made me feel seen and accepted.


WA Rainbow Tick Community of Practice and Accreditation Support

Community of Practice

Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly, through a process of collective learning.

In a first for WA, Richmind WA established the WA ‘Rainbow Tick’ Community of Practice in 2020, bringing a range of mental health, community health, alcohol and other drug (AOD) and disability service providers together to build capacity, cohesion and responsiveness to LGBTIQA+ inclusive practices in the community services sector in Western Australia.

For further details on the program and membership, download the WA Rainbow Tick Community of Practice Brochure below.

two people smiling in front of rainbow flags

South West Community of Practice 

Following the success of the Perth Metro Rainbow Tick Community of Practice, Richmind WA convened a South West Rainbow Tick Community of Practice in 2021.

This group is specifically relevant to organisations that have either already achieved or are working towards and making a commitment to achieving, LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice or Rainbow Tick Accreditation.

For further details on the program and membership download the South West Rainbow Tick Community of Practice brochure below.

group of people holding an intersex inclusive progress pride flag
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