The Diversity Café series brings together staff from the WA health system, other government agencies, non-government and community organisations and consumers to share knowledge, connect ideas and ask questions about health matters as they relate to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CaLD).
A person who identifies as LGBTI+ and who also comes from a CaLD background often has to negotiate multiple and interwoven expectations and social codes relating to gender, sexuality, faith and ethnicity in the communities or groups that they belong to. This could lead to isolation and loss of identity. These and other factors such as inability to speak English, lack of available and appropriate support and knowledge of health care and other services can strongly impact on their health outcomes. All of these need to be considered when developing and implementing health policies, programs and services to ensure their inclusion and improve health equity.

In this Café, a health consumer, a service provider and a clinician will share their perspectives and experiences around improving health equity for LGBTI+ people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Challenges and concerns for service providers, staff and consumers will also be discussed.

Please book via

Where:  Richmond Wellbeing Head Office, 29 Manning Road, Cannington

When: 9am to 12pm, 21st November

November 21 @ 09:00


– 12:00


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