Quality and Governance

Commitment to continuous improvement

Richmind WA is accredited in a quality improvement program with Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP) and other governing bodies such as Department of Communities, NDIS and Licensing and Accreditation Regulatory Unit (LARU). We are committed to continuous quality improvement across all divisions of the organisation.

Continuous improvement is a systematic, ongoing effort to improve the quality of services across Richmind WA.


Licensing and Accreditation and Regulatory Unit (LARU)

LARU is responsible for the licensing and monitoring of several Richmind WA services and the employees based at these services. Richmind WA engages in an annual Governance Audit and Inspection schedule to ensure services meet all requirements of Licensing Standards

Department of Communities – Housing Authority

Richmind WA must demonstrate they are achieving relevant performance requirements and complying with Tier 3 of Community Housing Regulatory Framework. The Framework and audit is designed to ensure Richmind WAW are a well-managed community housing provider. This audit is completed every 2 years.


Quality Innovation Performance


The NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators specify the standards that need to be met by Richmind WA in the supports and services we provide to participants.

Richmind WA is a registered provider to deliver NDIS services to accepted participants. Richmind WA must ensure we meet all relevant standards in the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. Richmind WA is audited every 3 years against these standards to ensure we are meeting these requirements, with the NDIS Commission providing final approval of Registration.

National Standards Mental Health Services

The National Standards Mental Health Services (NSMHS) are outcome oriented and reflect strong values base, related to human rights, dignity and empowerment.

The NSMHS focus on mental health service deliver, policy direction, communication, consent, and monitoring and governance procedures. The NSMHS Standards constantly support service providers to improve by focusing on areas such as service delivery, policies, standards, communication and consent, as well as consumer safety and privacy.

QIC Health and Community Services Standards

The QIC Standards support various health and community organisations to maximise continuous quality improvement opportunities by undertaking a ‘whole-of-organisation’ approach to assessment. Key areas of the QIC Standards support organisations in improving consumer and community engagement, diversity and cultural appropriateness, management systems, governance and service delivery.

Rainbow Tick

Is a national accreditation program owned and developed by Rainbow Health Australia. The Rainbow Tick Standards have been specifically designed to suit health and community organisations that are committed to safe, inclusive practice and service delivery for LGBTIQA+ people. Accreditation is achieved by meeting the requirements outlined in the Rainbow Tick Standards.

Richmind WA was the first organisation in WA to attain Rainbow Tick Accreditation in 2017 and continues to maintain this standard today.

Policies and Procedures

A full list of our policies and procedures can be found on our policies page.

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