Richmond Wellbeing is showing our public support for the ‘YES’ campaign for the Marriage Equality Survey.

The Marriage Equality Debate can be a stressful and challenging time for many. Driven by our values and commitment to creating a safe and comfortable environment for all staff , clients and the wider community, we feel it is important to provide additional resources to assist people who are feeling upset, distressed or angry during this time.

Staying Strong During the Marriage Equality Debate – AIDS Council of NSW (ACON)
Practical tips on staying strong and resilient during this time.

Supporting Your Employees Affected by the Debate on Marriage Equality – Pride in Diversity
This document has been designed to assist employers in the support of their employees during
this time. It is envisaged that the document will provide employers with a critical resource through
which they can then develop their own internal communications, initiatives or processes.


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